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Finn Slough: A Photo-Poem Exhibition by Sand Wan and Han Mu

Peter Lau
Sand Wan, Han Mu
9183 0669
Asia One Books
Book Launch
17.11.2018 3pm - 4pm
Speaker: San Wan, Han Wu, Alfred Ko
Moderator: Chan Wai Fun
Language: Cantonese


Amid a century-old fishing village’s rotting ships, dilapidated wooden houses and reed swamp, how do a photographer and a writer define the beauty and ugliness they find in their hearts?

Canadian-Chinese photographer Sand Wan and poet Han Mu are both Hong Kong immigrants. They have collaborated for a new collection of photographs and poems called “Finn Slough”, published by Asia One Books. ‘Finn Slough’ itself is an historic village on Canada’s Pacific coast. Fishermen lived and worked there more than a hundred years ago. Using innovative photographic techniques, Sand provides an extremely detailed examination of the village’s unique style.

Accompanying the book launch is a photo-poem exhibition. Sand Wan and Han Mu are also delighted to have Hong Kong photographer Alfred Ko participate in the dialogue on beauty and ugliness.

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