THY LAB: Via Dolorosa
Guided Tour
Date: 16.10.2021
Time: 19:00
Gathering Point: THY LAB
Language: English, Cantonese
Quota: 10
Fee: Free
Special Measures(1) The tour will navigate around the gathering ban by asking visitors to maintain the distance and dividing them up in groups of 4. All visitors shall wear their masks at all times;
(2) Thy Lane is open for visit 24/7. If you would like to visit THY LAB, please make an appointment via THY LAB's IG.
As a conclusion of THY LAB’s eight years of performance, we showcase 15 enlarged photographs from our local family archive. Starting from the beginning of Thy Lane, at Prince Edward MTR station Exit D, and ending at Shek Kip Mei Street, visitors can see eight selected photos, each signifying one of the eight years we have run THY LAB.
The photos originally washed up at our door after the Mangkhut typhoon of 2018. Stroking and drying the storm-soaked prints, we felt an intense feeling of loss, and a desire to reconnect.
At the end of the lane, back in the theatre in THY LAB, a larger selection of the archived images will be displayed. In showcasing forgotten memories along the alley and inside our Lab, we celebrate the infinite micro-histories that are the very fabric of our Sham Shui Po community.
The invisible yet substantial presence of the lane draws a new geography within Sham Shui Po: a subconscious backbone boulevard for us to reimagine the gravitational centre of this urban area. We carve out a dwelling space-time outside the sorrow of memory, where forgotten intimacies enlighten and heal us in catharsis.
THY LAB welcomes contributions of family images to our archive, feel free to get in touch for an appointment with us.