Past the Horizon
PAST THE HORIZON is an online interactive platform, built to catalyse exchanges across sound, photography and literature. As the final showcase of the Photographer Incubator mentorship programme, the site features over 300 works by Taiwanese singer-songwriter Wang Yu-jun, multimedia artist Steve Hui, poet Lau Yee Ching, photographer Lau Ching Ping, sound artist Kung Chi Shing, and 11 local image makers. The jumble of sound, words and images created through an intensive 5-month collaboration are now presented as materials to be mixed and matched into your very own one-minute video.
EXPLORE the abundant body of work, CHANCE on a new narrative, CONTRIBUTE something of yours into the mix and watch it take on new meanings as it collides with other materials.
“Photographer Incubator” is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region