Photo Walk
In Search of Traces of Shau Kei Wan Past
13.11 & 20.11.2021
13.11 — 10:00am - 12:30pm (Cantonese)
20.11 — 11:00am - 1:30pm (Mandarin)
20.11 — 3:00pm - 5:30pm (English)
20.11 — 11:00am - 1:30pm (Mandarin)
20.11 — 3:00pm - 5:30pm (English)
Pak Chai
Photographer-activist Pak Chai grew up around Quarry Bay, Tai Koo, and Sai Wan Ho. When he was young, all of these places past North Point were called “Shau Kei Wan”. Only as an adult did he become familiar with Main Street East.
Assembly Point
Shau Kei Wan MTR Station Exit B1 (outside)
Cantonese, English and Mandarin
Pay as you wish
Points to Note
Due to privacy reasons, photo-taking of some spots during the walk is not advised.
Health Safety Measures
(1) All participants must wear a self-provided face mask at all times.
(2) All participants must fill in a health declaration form upon arrival.
(3) Any person who fails to cooperate as requested, or displays fever (forehead temperature above 37.5C), fatigue, cough, diarrhea, vomiting or other flu-like symptoms will be refused to join the event .
(4) All persons must abide by the “Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation” (Regulation) gazetted by the Government, including but not limited to the extension of the “congregation restriction”which prohibits groups of more than 4 persons to gather in public, with effective from 24 February 2021.
This is about Shau Kei Wan beyond its Main Street East, with a prison-like warehouse, a shipless ship repair yard, Ming Wah Dai Ha with its exterior design going against the typical public housing architecture, the frozen-in-1960s A Kung Ngam industrial area, and remnants of a Hakka-run quarry that flourished ‘when the port was opened’ (a euphemism for the start of British rule)… Other than fishball noodles and the local Tin Hau Temple, you will experience a unique side of Shau Kei Wan.

©️ Pak Chai

©️ Pak Chai