Angkor Photo Session (with post-screening discussions)
Based in Siem Reap, Cambodia, our pre-pandemic programme consisted of professional workshops, public exhibitions, projection evenings, and other professional activities. Following the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the organisation adapted its programme to be presented online, and will continue introducing a new slate of activities to better meet the needs of our community during these difficult times.
Discussion to be conducted primarily in English.
Health Safety MeasurementsAll visitors must keep their face mask on at all times and go through temperature checks
No eating or drinking is allowed inside 'Kino'
The venue reserves the right to refuse entry or remove from the premises any visitor who has a temperature of above 37.5°C or is in violation of any of the health and safety guidelines.
In putting forward these six works by artists living and working in Asia, I was enticed by their individual ability to render the personal and intimate into powerful visual narratives which could tangibly evoke a range of emotions.
The works are a result of both deliberate experimentation as well as organic adaptation, with each artist embracing the possibilities provided by the medium in order to better understand entities and events much larger than themselves.
We dive into the tensions between an ancient memory and our present selves, as presented in different ways by both Karthik Subramanian’s immersion into the gaping mouth of the Sundarbans, and Alecia Neo’s intricate navigation of the place of tradition in a modern world.
We witness phenomena both man-made and natural, as seen in Devadeep Gupta’s meditative piece from his hometown, as well as in Demie Dangla’s collection of honest if not raw reflections from the pandemic. In both Kosuke Okahara’s blue affair and the duo Natthaya Thaidecha and Daniel Huete’s Eclipse, we wade into the dreams of subconsciousness as we follow them on their own journey to the surface.
As we head into the unknown and unknowable, the pandemic still lapping at our feet, it could be said that it is the artist’s role to lay steps of insight for our individual and collective passage into the future. As such, it remains crucial to continue supporting the artists amongst us, and I’m grateful to the HKIPF for having extended this opportunity to do so.
Jessica Lim, Director of Angkor Photo Festival & Workshops
The Works
Mohona|Karthik Subramanian|India
Eclipse|Natthaya Thaidecha (Thailand) & Daniel Huete (Spain)
Normalisation of a Disaster| Devadeep Gupta|India
Things I Don’t Tell You|Demie Dangla|Philippines
ramah-tamah|Alecia Neo|Singapore
blue affair|Okahara Kosuke|Japan
*The curator and artists will be present for the discussions via live-streaming.